CIRCLE CITY TRYOUTS: 2023 -2024 Club Season
High School Graduation Grades
2025- 2031 (5th Grade through 11th Grade)
Supplemental Tryout Date: August 20th
Circle City Titanium High School (Grades 2025-2027)
Circle City Select High School (Grades 2024-2027)
Circle City Middle School Future Titanium & Circle City Middle School Select Team Tryouts (Grades 2028-2031)
Tryout Times (August 20th)
High School Times: 2025-2027 Select (1pm-2pm) | 2025-2027 Titanium (1pm-2pm)
Middle School Times: 2028-2029 (12-1pm) | 2030-2031 (12-1pm)
Tryout Location:
Brebuef Jesuit Preparatory School
2801 W. 86th St, Indianapolis, IN 46268
Tryout Cost - High School $25 | Middle School $20
*If you are unable to make a evaluation date, but interested in joining, please email Director Nick Estey ( or fill out a info form.*
Club seasons Offered for Middle School
Fall 2023 | Winter 2023-2024 | Spring 2024 | Summer 2024
Club Seasons Offered for High School
Fall 2023 | Winter 2023-2024 | Summer 2023
Players are strongly encouraged to attend tryouts. We anticipate strong interest and once teams are full they will be closed.
2028-2031 Team Tryouts
If you have any questions please email Program Director Nick Estey at
Open to all players in grades 2028-2031
Goalies play free in the Circle City program at the Middle School and Youth level.
2025-2027 Team Tryouts
Titanium & City Select Level Teams
If you have any questions please email Program Director Nick Estey at
Open to all players in grades 2025-2027
Goalies play free in the Circle City program at the High School Level.
Circle City Girls Lacrosse will be holding open tryouts for the 2023-2024 club season for our Titanium (National) and City Select (Regional) teams for players in the high school graduation classes of 2025 through 2031 (5th-11th Grade) on Sunday August 6th, 2023 & Sunday August 3th, 2023.
Girls at the High School Level selected for the Titanium level teams may form up to two teams per grade. The placement of players to the Titanium teams will be based on player ability, skill set, fitness and commitment to club participation. If a player is trying out for Titanium level and does not make a team, they will be offered a spot on City Select.
High School Girls also can decide to tryout for just the City Select level of our teams, which is a regional based team that offers players the opportunity to play at a local and regional level.
Circle City tryouts are open to all players either currently in the program or not. Players from prior years are not guaranteed a spot on the team. Player selections will be made based on ability and individual skills. Overall talent and player commitment will be weighed heavily on player selection. Therefore, in an effort to provide players maximum exposure during tryouts, please plan on participating in tryouts to ensure coaches have ample opportunities to see each player.
All players are expected to bring a lacrosse stick, mouth guard, and goggles. All goalies are to provide their own equipment. Restroom facilities will be provided.